SYFY Shark Week Review

SYFY Shark Week Reviews


6 Headed Shark Attack


Santa JawsThe Final Sharknado

Get ready for some of the worst shark movies you will ever see in 2018 as these sharks swarm your tv viewing on SYFY this week. This review was done all at once because to be quite honest the movies were so terrible that I couldn’t even form an opinion to write a proper review. These shark movies were some of the most uncreative stories I have seen produced by SYFY, and thats really saying something considering syfys past films.

This is not including the sequels to Sharknado and the Multi Headed shark attack films. I know Sharknado movies are known for being completely ridiculous and that’s what was so great about them but this one I’m sorry was just awful. The movie came across as rushed and poorly produced nonsense. They had nothing close to what the other films had before which was a some what decent plot to follow with questionable but decent acting and a charming yet corky script. I’m sorry but the last and final Sharknado was just chum in the water waiting for dinner bell to ring.

While Sharknado didn’t do so hot 6 Headed Shark Attack made one hell of a belly flop. This has got to be the worst one yet. I’m really not quite sure what happened with this script. You have a six headed monstrous shark killing people you would think it would be more compelling to watch like the last one, I guess not. It was a poorly scripted waste of time with horrible acting and a terrible plot. I really hope seven doesn’t disappoint.

As for the rest of the shark movies it didn’t get much better as the week went on. I think Syfy missed the mark this year hopefully next year they’ll have some better options. Because I can’t see how a Freddy Krueger type of shark that can haunt your dreams and another chick stranded on a raft, and a comic book Shark that wears a Santa hat are going to cut it. And let’s not forget the worst one of all because who doesn’t like being trapped in a submarine inside of a giant shark. Honestly watching the part where they escape from the shark was so terrible it looked like she was giving birth from how hard she was trying to act.

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