The Hunger Games: The Balled Of Songbirds & Snakes Review

Every story has a beginning, in this movie we follow the life of Coriolanus Snow who we know as President Snow from the Hunger Games. The movie proved to be quite the entertaining prequel. The following events show us how everything and everyone is connected and really brings the movies full circle. With over 2 hours of nonstop engagement you start to piece together the whole story. While you get to witness this man’s undoing into a vengeful act of violence that brings us into the true purpose of the Hunger Games. In all honesty I found the movie to be a tad long but very well done. I was very surprised at how violent they went and I’m glad they didn’t shy away from it, After all it’s just a movie. I did think it would have ended a few times over that last hour but they kept going. Which I am thankful for no one likes a cliffhanger. I approve of this addition to the collection. I gave this movie a 7 1/2 out of 10 stars.