The movie Halloween Ends brings us to a conclusion I am pretty sure nobody saw coming tonight. In this classic slasher series that we have followed for many years it brings us to the final take down of Michael Myers. In this movie it reveals something that people have questioned for many years. How is he still alive? Well if I had to guess they are trying to show that he gets his ability to stay alive by killing people and somehow it makes him stronger and able to keep going. To be honest, I’ve gotten alot of people saying they don’t like the movie and I totally understand why. However for the first hour of the movie I actually liked it as a standalone movie if you separated Michael Myers from the story, I think it could have been a decent Halloween movie on it’s own. It was definitely not what I expected from the series and it’s not exactly how I would’ve like to see this end but nothing ever is anymore. Ultimately I was pretty entertained throughout even though they clearly took some creative liberties and went in a direction that was definitely not on brand for Michael Myers. A disappointing conclusion for many people I am sure, but I am certain someone will come along and make another Michael Myers movie at some point. I’m fairly certain they will screw it up even worse because no one can leave well enough alone and no one seems to be able to come up with an original idea these days. Anyway I gave the movie a 6 out of 10 stars.


Hocus-pocus 2 (this definitely has spoilers)

Well let’s start off by saying it wasn’t a terrible movie For this generation. I was expecting this movie to be exactly what it was. It was made for kids.

The original hocus-pocus came out in a time when the 90s movies were amazing the actors were still fantastic and the technology just wasn’t what we have now which made them work 10 times harder to create a film that comes across as real and less produced by a computer.

Clearly they had to adapt a new story to have it somewhat make any sort of sense but they really should have paid a little bit more attention to where things came from as stated in the previous movie.

I understand that disney is really big into the whole musical thing and granted the first movie had one musical number but adding this many musical numbers to a movie like this is just unnecessary.

They really should have made this movie darker. The original movie played as if it was made for a somewhat older crowd because I guess at the time people weren’t so sensitive to everything. This movie came off as juvenile and too happy.
The direction I feel they should’ve went in was making the younger girls more serious and less of a joke. This movie wasn’t or shouldn’t have been made into a comedy which is what I feel like they were trying very hard to do. Turning the witches into musical witches that are actually very friendly trying to crack jokes every five seconds and not so interested in killing anybody this time. these witches are meant to be eating kids souls and trying really hard to get them not running around singing songs and acting all sweet. They put kids in cages in the first movie come on people. They killed a little girl in the beginning of the first movie. These are not the witches that are in this movie.The way they died at the end of the movie it was just like is she seriously begging to die right now to be with her sisters. she wanted to be all powerful loses her sisters and then begs to die because she lost her sisters and acts so sweet and innocent I’m sorry but NO. This movie definitely tried way too hard to be like the original movie but failed epically we didn’t need another black cat like Binks. He moved on Billy came back which I thought was the best part of the entire movie but due to the fact that they use a computer to generate his head towards the end there instead of actually putting in the effort to do actual like do some movie magic on his face with make up like they did in the first one. it didn’t really portray the right atmosphere for what I was hoping for this movie. I’m not trying to knock the original three actresses they did a great job coming back 30 years later but let’s be serious they never lost their touch to begin with. They have been acting and singing and dancing this entire time. I wasn’t expecting them to be terrible I’m just sad at the fact that they didn’t give them more of a serious role in this movie and they just turned them into happy witches that prance around.

The story definitely lacked emotion there was no in-depth feelings being had here. I don’t know what it is about kid movies these days but not everything has to be super happy go lucky nonsense where there’s always a happy ending. It was really difficult to take this movie seriously when it seem like it was very low budgeted they didn’t put any real theatrical work into making the script serious. I felt like the movie was mainly meant to cater to only to children. Had it been a standalone movie not being represented by the original sure it could’ve passed as a decent movie for kids but I am not gonna relate this movie to being anything close to being as good as the original they do not compare.

I understand a lot of people like this movie and a lot of people didnt. I’m not gonna say that if you liked it or didn’t like it it makes you less or more of a fan. Because that’s just silly. Everybody’s entitled to their opinions. And I’m sure a lot of people disagree with me about the things that I’m saying about this movie but that’s OK I’m not trying to fight with anybody I just really needed to vent about the things that I felt could have been taken in a different direction. I’m not knocking anybody’s talent of there acting in this film because I’m sure everybody in this movie is a great actor or actress but it’s the script and how they decided to make this movie overly kid friendly That bothered me. But like I said in the beginning I knew this movie was not gonna be like the first one. nothing is ever filmed the way it used to be back then and no one ever keeps things the same. I kept my expectations low and they hit the bar of where exactly I thought it would go so I’m not disappointed I’m just in different. I’ll still watch the original and pretend like the second one doesn’t exist.

But let’s go over to the fact that there’s gonna be a third so are they moving on without the Sanderson sisters because now it’s clear that they are moved on to the afterworld or wherever because honestly I thought they couldn’t come back after they died in the first one. so are you telling me they’re gonna be able to come back in the third after the way they died in this one. Yeah I saw a new black flame candle clearly there was a back up. But they will push this franchise as far as it will take them just to make money no matter how bad the movies get. I anticipate the next movie will be about the same three friends coming into their own as witches of some sort stopping some one from lighting a black flame candle but they fail and then the witches come back they have to fight the witches again hopefully this time they will be more evil or maybe they’ll bring back a different villain this time maybe they’ll be fighting someone else but I have a feeling we haven’t seen the last of that first witch that gave them a book. And for a witch that eats children I’m surprised at how light and airy she was. because let’s be real here what witch gives up her spell book to a bunch of little kids with out a fight come on. and are you telling me that Sarah and Mary didn’t have powers in the first movie only Winnie did???? What… ok. They can fly but I guess they didn’t have powers. And Winnifred was very into sharing the spoils of the children’s souls with her sisters but wasn’t interested in sharing the all powerful power she was going to get from the book with her sisters you know that doesn’t track. But honestly I could sit here all day saying a ton of things that I just did not see the point of or like. But hey it’s just a movie. Anyway I hope everybody has a great Halloween and if you love the movie then great if you didn’t then keep watching the first one it promises to never be bad. 🎃